Selected Legislation Links 2022-2024

[Underlined = Bill Active > in House or Senate]


HB 5507 2024-25 budget  P.A.120’24


HB4038 High School Diploma for Sub Teaching

HB4059 Change K age 6 to 5

         …and Schools Must Provide Kindergarten

HB4081 Reduce Counselor/Student Ratio to 250:1

HB4157 Excused Absence for Playing Taps/Funeral

HB4541 Limit cancelling athletic events

HB4549 Allow H.S. Diploma/21 yrs. age to Substitute

HB4671 Allow School Start date bargaining

HB5011 Req noncert. sub teacher 6hr training

HB5081/82 Recess as Instructional Time

SB29 Five Mental Health Days as Excused Absence

SB354 Allow Praxis Teacher Test for Cert.

SB463 FAFSA App. required for Graduation


HB4027 Create Purple Star/Military Program

HB4057 Allow Personal finance for Economics

HB4064 MDE Create Cursive Model Program

HB4284 Social Studies Require Founding Docs

HB4672 Teach Christian Foundations in Curr.

HB4961 Establish Environmental Literacy Model

HB5051 Computer Coding for Foreign Language

HB5098 Create Dyslexia Advisory Committee

HB5135 Require Orton-Gillingham Model

HB5174 Require Student Instruc. Organ Donate

HB5329 Require PD in Seizure Awareness

HB5334 Create Model for Firearm Safety

HB5337 Limit Sex Educ. to 4th and above grade

SB54 Model Program for Risks of Gambling

New-HB5406 No Race/Gender Stereotyping

School District/Building Issues

HB4195 Restroom Access Restrictions

HB4088 School Safety>Schl. Crisis Team

HB4089 School Safety>Mental Health Comm.

HB4090 School Safety>Require Schl Safety Training

HB4091 School Safety>Emerg. Responder Radios

HB4092 School Safety>Tip Reporting Requirement

HB4093-4100 School Safety>Other Schl Safety Progs.

HB4510 Restrooms based on biological sex

HB4853/54 Allow Traditional Regalia Clothing

HB4928/2030 Penalties/procedure bus camera

SB76-78 Gun Safety>require individual to obtain a lic.

HB5408 Allow Private Schls to Pub Schl Activities


Higher Education

 HB4277/8 Require Reports of Use of Lab Animals

HB4319 Athlete Third Party Consult Publicity Rights

HB4844 Prevent Student Athlete Compensation

HB4853/34 Prohibit not allowing Traditional Regalia

HB4933/34 Tax credit for Out of State Students

HB5010 Req. Classroom Management for Cert.

HB5069 Foreign Influence of Higher Educ

HB5177 Tuition for Incarcerated Indiv.

HB5256/7 Require Govern. Brd. Members Disclosure


HB4070 Remove Limit on Athletic Team Travel

HB4648 Alternative Count day for religious absence

HB4932 Increase Child Labor Laws

HB5231to34,5269 Charter School Transparency

HB5373 Popular Election of ISD Board Members

Link To: Selected Legislation Links for 2018-2020

Link To: Selected Legislation Links for 2021-2022






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Selected Legislation Links 2021-2023

[Underlined = Bill Out of Committee > in House/Senate]


HB 5507 2024-25 budget  P.A.120’24


HB4038 High School Diploma for Sub Teaching

HB4059 Change K age 6 to 5

         …and Schools Must Provide Kindergarten

HB4081 Reduce Counselor/Student Ratio to 250:1

HB4157 Excused Absence for Playing Taps/Funeral

HB4541 Limit cancelling athletic events

HB4549 Allow H.S. Diploma/21 yrs. age to Substitute

HB4671 Allow School Start date bargaining

HB5011 Req noncert. sub teacher 6hr training

HB5081/82 Recess as Instructional Time

SB29 Five Mental Health Days as Excused Absence

SB354 Allow Praxis Teacher Test for Cert.

SB463 FAFSA App. required for Graduation


HB4027 Create Purple Star/Military Program

HB4057 Allow Personal finance for Economics

HB4064 MDE Create Cursive Model Program

HB4284 Social Studies Require Founding Docs

HB4672 Teach Christian Foundations in Curr.

HB4961 Establish Environmental Literacy Model

HB5051 Computer Coding for Foreign Language

HB5098 Create Dyslexia Advisory Committee

HB5135 Require Orton-Gillingham Model

HB5174 Require Student Instruc. Organ Donate

HB5329 Require PD in Seizure Awareness

HB5334 Create Model for Firearm Safety

HB5337 Limit Sex Educ. to 4th and above grade

SB54 Model Program for Risks of Gambling

New-HB5406 No Race/Gender Stereotyping

School District/Building Issues

HB4195 Restroom Access Restrictions

HB4088 School Safety>Schl. Crisis Team

HB4089 School Safety>Mental Health Comm.

HB4090 School Safety>Require Schl Safety Training

HB4091 School Safety>Emerg. Responder Radios

HB4092 School Safety>Tip Reporting Requirement

HB4093-4100 School Safety>Other Schl Safety Progs.

HB4510 Restrooms based on biological sex

HB4853/54 Allow Traditional Regalia Clothing

HB4928/2030 Penalties/procedure bus camera

SB76-78 Gun Safety>require individual to obtain a lic.

New-HB5408 Allow Private Schls to Pub Schl Activities


Higher Education

 HB4277/8 Require Reports of Use of Lab Animals

HB4319 Athlete Third Party Consult Publicity Rights

HB4844 Prevent Student Athlete Compensation

HB4853/34 Prohibit not allowing Traditional Regalia

HB4933/34 Tax credit for Out of State Students

HB5010 Req. Classroom Management for Cert.

HB5069 Foreign Influence of Higher Educ

HB5177 Tuition for Incarcerated Indiv.

HB5256/7 Require Govern. Brd. Members Disclosure


HB4070 Remove Limit on Athletic Team Travel

HB4648 Alternative Count day for religious absence

HB4932 Increase Child Labor Laws

HB5231to34,5269 Charter School Transparency

HB5373 Popular Election of ISD Board Members

Link To: Selected Legislation Links for 2018-2020

Link To: Selected Legislation Links for 2021-2022





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































         Reference Links

Legislative Calendar-House of Represent.

Legislative Calendar-Senate

Legislative Directory

District Comparison Tool

MI-LEAP Lifelong Educ., Advanc.,&Potential

UpdatedMDE Covid-19 Guidance Memos

Growing Michigan Together Report

Michigan School Code

Michigan Compiled Law Search (MCL)

Michigan Tenure Act

MI Department of Education (MDE)

Student Loan Repayment Program (MDE)

State Board of Education Members

Critical Shortage List – Sub/Retirees

Citizen Guide to State Gov. 2023

MI Certification Information

Educator Certificate Database

Michigan Merit Curriculum on 1 Page

Dual Enrollment Options

Educator Effectiveness Data

Teacher Evaluation – Frequently Asked Questions

Teacher Evaluation – Original Debra Ball Report

Basics of School Funding (2019 but good source)

K-12 Revenue Pie Chart

Educator Workforce Data Report (MDE)

Senate Fiscal Education Budget Information

Summary of P.A.152’11 Hard Cap Insurance 

Public Act 152’11 Hard Cap Insurance FAQ

Michigan Constitution Regarding Public Education

Office of Retirement Services (ORS)

U.S. Department of Education

Public Acts Passed 2023-2025

P.A.4’23 Shift Tax Revenue $126M+ to S.A.F.

P.A.7’23 SB12 Eliminate Retention-3rd Grade Read

P.A.17’23 Gun Safety>safe storage requirements

P.A.26’23 Allow use of Sinking Fund>Transportation

P.A.34’23 Eliminate School Letter Grade Ranking

P.A.38’23 Gun Safety>Prohibit Risk Indiv. Purchasing

P.A.51’23 Student Suspensions for Sexual Assault

P.A.57’23 Sexual Assault Info for Students (PD)

P.A.96’23 Allow Alcohol at College Sports Events

P.A.110’23 Out of State teaching Certification

P.A.111’23 Out of State Reciprocity for Counselors

P.A.113’23 Allows steps/retroactivity at contract exp.

P.A.114’23 Allows payroll deduction union dues

P.A.115’23 Removes several prohibited subjects

P.A.116’23 Bargaining placement of teachers

P.A.127’23 Authorization & Reciprocal Exchange

P.A.143’23 Allows bargaining privatization

P.A.144’23 Allows Payroll Deduction for Dues

P.A.147’23 Adopt new Retirement Wait Period

P.A.154’23 Clean Drinking Water in Schools

$$_P.A.173’23 Budget Approp. K-12 & Higher Educ.

P.A.186’23 Extend New Jobs Training Prog.

P.A.207’23 Prohibit Referrals for Pregnant Serv.

P.A.224/5’23 Modification of Evaluation Law

P.A.236’23Require District Reporting Labor Info

P.A.237’23 Allow Grad Assistants to Organize

P.A.243’23 Allows Payroll Deduct for PAC

P.A.250’23 Change Default for New Retirement

P.A.258’23 Voter Prereg./MDE assist 17.5 to 16 yrs.

$$_ P.A.320’23 K-12 Supplemental for 2023-24

Enrolled Education Legislation (presented to gov.)

                      (all signed)